All tagged hominism

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

People often come up with what they think is the definitive answer.  Yet it always falls short of being applicable to anyone outside of their purview.  It falls short of being applicable to the infant who dies soon after birth. Or the refugee child who loses his legs in a war zone. Or the prisoner of war who dies in a gas chamber along with the rest of his family.  A better question would be, "what is the meaning of your own life?"

Mainstream Media Will Narrow Your Perspective

Mainstream media is motivated by ratings and viewership.  News websites are driven by likes and shares.  And in an era where information is plentiful and truth is relative, factual journalism has been replaced by articles written primarily as click-bait.  This leaves the reader with half-truths and lies that which only confirm his or her existing biases.  

Why Are There Still Monkeys?

This is a question often asked by skeptics of evolution.  They figure that, if we evolved from monkeys, then they should already be extinct.  The problem with that argument though is that we never evolved from monkeys.  Instead, human beings and monkeys actually share the same ancestor.